Staff Nurse Vacancy in CDMO Ganjam Orissa 2016
Office of Chief District Medical Officer / CDMO Ganjam Orissa has invited application for recruitment of the ANM / Staff Nurse on contractual basis under Health & Family Welfare Department of Govt of Odisha. Nurses with interest in these jobs need to apply -
- Staff Nurse - 190 posts (UR-100, SEBC-16, SC-28, ST-46), Educational Qualification - GNM / BSc Nursing,
- MPHW (F) - 71 posts (UR-09, SC-33, ST-29), Educational Qualification - MPHW Course / ANM,
Age Limit - 21 to 32 years
How to apply - Interested candidates can send their application
complete in all respect along with all needed documents by Registered /
Speed Post at the following address - Office of the CDMO, Ganjam,
Berhampur, Odisha
Closing date for application submission - May 20, 2016
Closing date for application submission - May 20, 2016
For genuine and
timely CENTRAL govt, STATE govt and ABROAD hospital staff nurse vacancy
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