Diploma (GNM) with pro-metric pass.
Minimum 2 years’ experience.
Nursing certificates should be attested in HR Department, Ministry of External Affairs and Saudi.
1. Period of contract : 2 years
2. Weekly working hours : 48 hours in a week
3. Basic Salary : 3000 SR (1 SR in equivalent to Rs.18/-)
4. Annual Leave : 30 days paid leave
5. Accommodation : Provided
6. Transportation : Provided
7. Airticket : Provided
Suitable and willing candidates are requested to forward their C.V along with copies of qualification, experience and Passport to the Email ID :ovemclsn@gmail.com on or before 24.11.2016.
For further details contact us: 044-22502267 / 22505886
Diploma (GNM) with pro-metric pass.
Minimum 2 years’ experience.
Also Know About
Terms and Conditions1. Period of contract : 2 years
2. Weekly working hours : 48 hours in a week
3. Basic Salary : 3000 SR (1 SR in equivalent to Rs.18/-)
4. Annual Leave : 30 days paid leave
5. Accommodation : Provided
6. Transportation : Provided
7. Airticket : Provided
Suitable and willing candidates are requested to forward their C.V along with copies of qualification, experience and Passport to the Email ID :ovemclsn@gmail.com on or before 24.11.2016.
For further details contact us: 044-22502267 / 22505886
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