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There are three parts in the OET Reading sub-test, and each one is testing you on different skills you will use in your work as a healthcare professional. This means that to be successful in the Reading sub-test, you need to make sure you are using the best skill for the questions in each part.


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Tips to succeed in Part A

1) Do the questions in order.
By starting with the matching questions, you will be better prepared to locate the answers for the rest of the questions because you will know what each is text is about, what its purpose is and who the audience is.

2) Copy exactly from the text.
For short answer and completion questions, you must copy the text exactly as its written into your answer spaces. If you make a spelling error or add words that aren’t needed, your answer will be marked wrong.

3) Keep your answers short.
Answers are usually between 1 and 3 words. Writing full sentences or including extra information will mean your answer is wrong.

4) Write clearly.
If you’re taking OET on paper, your Part A is marked by human assessors. If they cannot understand your writing, you will not get the point.

5) Manage your time.
There’s only 15 minutes for this part of the test, so you need to work quickly. Don’t spend too long on one question. If you’re struggling, have a guess, move on and come back to it later if you have time.

Tips to succeed in Part B

  • Tip 1: Read the sentence you think contains the answer more than once to check that it completely matches the answer option you are selecting.
  • Tip 2: You are not required to draw on any external knowledge of the topic. The correct answer is found in the text and will completely evidence the whole option.

Tips to succeed in Part C

  • Tip 1: For questions asking you about the point the writer is making or trying to highlight, isolate the adjectives and adverbs in the section of text containing the answer. What do they tell you about the writer’s attitude? Are they positive, negative or neutral towards the idea? Be careful about what the writer is presenting as their own opinion and opinions they are presenting from other experts or related individuals. 
  • Tip 2: To be confident you have chosen the correct answer option, try replacing your answer with the underlined word in the question. If the sentence still makes sense then you are likely to be correct. 
  • Tip 3: Analyse why you are finding this kind of reading difficult. Is it vocabulary, your reading speed, concentration, lack of interest in the topic etc.? Once you can isolate the problem, you can start working to fix it.

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