Staff Nurse Vacancy in Chhattisgarh 2016.
Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board which is known as CGVYAPAM in short has recently published an advertisement notification for the recruitment of suitable candidates for the Staff Nurse posts to fill up 1134 vacancies
. Candidates who are looking for Chhattisgarh Staff Nurse Recruitment 2016may apply online through official website. Those who possess B.SC in Nursing are eligible to apply forStaff Nurse Vacancy in Chhattisgarh 2016, but before that you all are advised to read through the CGVYAPAM Staff Nurse Notification 2016-17 that is described below so that accordingly you may apply for Staff Nurse Vacancy.
I.Details of the Posts:
Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board which is known as CGVYAPAM in short has recently published an advertisement notification for the recruitment of suitable candidates for the Staff Nurse posts to fill up 1134 vacancies
. Candidates who are looking for Chhattisgarh Staff Nurse Recruitment 2016may apply online through official website. Those who possess B.SC in Nursing are eligible to apply forStaff Nurse Vacancy in Chhattisgarh 2016, but before that you all are advised to read through the CGVYAPAM Staff Nurse Notification 2016-17 that is described below so that accordingly you may apply for Staff Nurse Vacancy.
I.Details of the Posts:
Sr. No
Name of Post
Pay Scale
Staff Nurse
1134 (UR-150, OBC-
137, ST-739, SC- 108)
Rs.5200-20200/+ GP
II. Eligibility Criteria: GNM/ B.Sc Nursing
III.Age Limit:
- Minimum Age:- 21 years
- Maximum Age:- 35 years
IV.Application Fee:
- For General Category candidates:- Rs.350/-
- For OBC Category candidates:- Rs.250/-
- For SC/ST category candidates:- Rs.200/-
V.Mode of Selection:
- Written Examination
VI.How to Apply: Steps to apply-
- Firstly, eligible candidates are required to visit online the official website of Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board.
- Now, Click on the “Apply Online”link.
- Fill the form and deposit the application fee as mentioned above.
- Lastly, take the print out of it as hard copy for further use.
- Starting Date for Online Registration:- 17-03-2016
- Last Date for Online Registration:- 28-03-2016
- Staff Nurse Official Notification : Click Here
- Online Application : Click Here
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