GMCH Recruitment – Government Nurse Vacancy Notification Chandigarh Government Medical College and Hospital Chandigarh released notification for Boiler Room Operator Female Health Worker Medical Lab Technician radiographic technician Dark Room Assistant Operation Theatre Assistant and other various jobs on Contract but likely to continue interested candidates may apply through On-line.
Interested and Eligible Candidates that is Registered Nurse or B.Sc MLT or Passed Operation Theatre Assistant Course for Boiler Room Operator vacancy Diploma in Multi Purpose Health Worker or Essential Training Course for Female Health Worker Vacancy, B.Sc in Operation Theatre Technology or Diploma in Operation Theatre assistant course for Operation Theatre Assistant vacancy Diploma or Certificate course in Radiography or Dark room assistant course for dark room assistant vacancy Degree in Pharmaceutical Science or B-Pharm or Diploma in Pharmacy for assistant dispensary superintendent vacancy B.Sc Occupational therapist for senior occupational therapist vacancy in Food and nutrition or B.Sc home science with post graduate diploma in dietetics etc….
Name of jobs Number of vacancies age limit salary per month date of application Last date for application mode of application mode of selection date of Interview time of interview certificates need at the time of interview all about the GMCH Government Nurse Jobs Notification Chandigarh details given below.
GMCH Recruitment – Government Nurse Vacancy Notification Chandigarh
- Job location:-Chandigarh
- Hiring Authority:-Government Medical College and Hospital Chandigarh
- Last date for Application Submission:-28th September 2016
Government Medical College and Hospital Chandigarh Posts Details
- Boiler Room Operator -01 post
- Female Health Worker -01 post
- Operation theatre assistant -19 posts
- Junior technician Anaesthesia -08posts
- Medical Lab Technician -08 posts
- Counsellor -01post
- Assistant Clinical Psychologist -01post
- Optometrist or Fractionist -01post
- Junior radio Graphic Technician -05posts
- Operation theatre assistant -9posts
- Dark room assistant -04posts
- Assistant Dispensary superintendent -01post
- Senior Occupational therapist -03posts
- Junior Dietician -03posts
- Mortuary Supervisor 01post
- Library restorer -01post
- Driver heavy duty -01post
GMCH Recruitment – Boiler Room Operator Vacancy Notification Chandigarh Details
- Name of the Job:-Boiler Room Operator
- Number of Vacancies:-01post
- Educational Qualification:-Registered Staff Nurse having one year experience in Operation Theatre in a reputed hospital or Operation theatre assistant course from a recognised university with one year experience in operation theatre
- Age limit:-18-25 years
- Salary per month:-Rs.5910-20200/- +2000 GP
- GMCH Recruitment – Government Nurse Vacancy Notification Chandigarh Details
- Name of the Job:-Female Health worker
- Number of Vacancies:-01post
- Educational qualification:-Essential training course or diploma in milti purpose health worker and should recognised by Nursing Council or DHS of state
- Age limit:-18-25 years
- Salary per month:-Rs.5910-20200/- +2000 GP
GMCH Recruitment Application Details
- Last date for Application:-28th September 2016
- Application Mode:-On-line
- Mode of selection:-Written test
- Application Fee:-Rs.500/- OBC all other categories
- For Scheduled casts:-Rs.250/-
Interested candidates may apply through On-line
Get more information about Latest GMCH Recruitment – Government Nurse Vacancy Notification Chandigarh Details and official notification you can download
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