Kerala PSC Assistant Professor Nursing Recruitment October 2017. MSc Nursing candidates with or without experience can apply for selection to the under mentioned post in Kerala Government Service with UGC Scale salary.This is a Kerala PSC Recruitment for Assistant Professor in nursing.
MSc Nursing candidates with or who are planning to take KNMC
registration with or with out experience can apply. Many vacancies are
anticipated. Golden chance for MSc Nurses. Kerala PSc Assistant
Professor Nursing Recruitment 2017.
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Employer – Govt of Kerala (Department of Medical Education – DME)
Department : Medical Education
Name of Post : Assistant Professor in Nursing
Scale of Pay : As per UGC Norms
No. of vacancies : Anticipated
Official Notification : Download Now
(Ratio between appointment ‘by transfer’ and ‘direct recruitment’ will be 1 : 1 respectively)
Note :The Ranked List published by the Commission in response to this notification shall remain in force for a minimum period of one year provided that the said list will continue to be in force till the publication of a new list after the expiry of the minimum period of one year or till the expiry of three years whichever is earlier. Candidates will be advised from the said list against the vacancies reported to the Commission in writing, during the period of currency of the list.
5. Method of appointment : Direct Recruitment
6 Age limit : Minimum 22 years, Maximum 50 years
7. Qualifications:–
(1) M.Sc. Degree in Nursing from any University which is recognized by Kerala Nursing Council or
Indian Nursing Council
(2) Permanent Registration with the Nursing Council (Those who have not registered with Kerala Nursing Council are also eligible provided they obtain registration from Kerala Nursing Council before appointment.
Note: 1) The ratio between appointment ‘by transfer’ and ‘direct recruitment’ will be 1 : 1
8. a) Mode of submitting Application:- Candidates must register as per ‘ONE TIME REGISTRATION’ with the official Website of Kerala Public Service Commission ‘‘ before applying for the post. Candidates who have registered can apply by logging on to their profile using their User-ID and password. Candidates must click on the ‘Apply Now’ button of the respective posts in the Notification Link to apply for a post. The Photograph uploaded should be one taken after 31.12.2010. Name of the candidate and the date of taking photograph should be printed at the bottom portion. The photograph once uploaded meeting all requirements shall valid for 10 years from the date of uploading. There is no change in other instructions regarding the uploading of photographs. No application fee is required. Candidates shall take a printout of the application by clicking the link Registration Card in their profile. Candidates are responsible for the correctness of the personal information and secrecy of password. Before the final submission of the application on the profile candidates must ensure correctness of the information on their profile. They must quote the User- ID for further communication with the Commission. Application submitted is provisional and cannot be deleted or altered after submission. The application will be summarily rejected if noncompliance with the notification is found in due course of processing. Documents to prove qualification, Experience, Community, age etc. have to be produced as and when called for.
b) If a Written/OMR/Online Test is conducted as part of this selection, Admission Ticket for eligible candidates will be made available in their Profile for One Time Registration and the date of downloading will be included in the Examination Calendar. Candidates can download Admission Ticket for 15 days from this date. Candidates who have downloaded the Admission Ticket will alone be permitted to attend the examination.
(c) Candidates who have AADHAAR card should add AADHAAR card as I.D. Proof in their profile.
9. Last date for submission of application:-04-10.2017, Wednesday upto 12.00 Midnight.
10. Name of Website to which applications are to be submitted :
Last date for submission of application:-04-10.2017
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